Saturday, January 28, 2017

Church Missions News

New Opportunity

We will begin supporting Meals by Grace located here in Cumming.
This ministry provides food and household products to families in need. There is a small store facility located at 549 Lake Center Parkway where clients can visit and shop on Tuesday or Thursday between 10-2. This ministry also has many service opportunities found on their website. 

At this time, we would like to help them with the following items:
Empty Laundry Detergent Bottles
Empty (clean) large yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, containers.
Empty Egg cartons

The Earhart's will collect these items as they are brought to church.
Missions Support
Ongoing - Empty Laundry Detergent Bottles, Empty (clean) large yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, containers, Empty Egg cartons

February - Items for The Place:  Pasta / Rice Pouches, Canned Tuna, Creamed Corn, Canned Carrots, Spaghettio's. We will be serving at The Place on 2/3 at noon.
March - Jericho House - a list of items will be made available soon.
April - Items for The Place:  Pasta / Rice Pouches, Canned Tuna, Creamed Corn, Canned Carrots, Spaghettio's. We will be serving at The Place on 2/1 at 11:15 am.

May -  We will be serving at The Place on 5/3 at 11:15 am.
June - Open
July - Open
August - Open
September - Open
October - Open
November - Open
December - Cookies for Firefighters
Financial Support
La Gonave Haiti Mission
Family Promise

Please let us know if there are mission or financial support areas where you would like our church to get involved. Please share with the congregation if you would like to take part in a specific event and would like to encourage participation.