Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Prayer Request

I just received this from Sharon Freeman:

Please put on blog for all Castle Christian – my first cousin, Joel Simmons, passed away last night. I am just so grieved. He was only 49 years old and his wife and 3 girls are beside themselves. Also his brothers and sister as they lost their mom (my Mothers’ sister) just a few months ago. I was so hoping Joel’s age would put him in position of fighting this off. I am convinced it was swine (H1N1) flu, because he had flue like symptoms 6 weeks ago, and proceed to be diagnosed with pneumonia, then put in ICU and on ventilator and all his systems shut down. He has lived in Minnesota the last 4 years so I feel so helpless and far away. I need to request prayer for his family.

Let's pray for all of Sharon's family in dealing with this grief.
