Monday, May 5, 2008


Castle Christians:

I am very happy to tell you about a friend of ours who is coming to stay with us this summer. His name is Kyle Stock. He is someone our family was close to when we were in Missouri and he is graduating from college.

He is coming because he needs to do an official internship. He asked if he could do it with me at Castle, and we were very happy to have him do it. He is coming with some of his own funds and support, and is willing to get a part-time job if need be, so he will not be a financial burden to the church.

I think our church will benefit from his energy and his faith and he will benefit from getting to know a really great group of Christians. I'm including a picture of him in this post. He isn't exactly looking at the camera, but I think the picture captures a little of his personality. I look forward to what he can do with us and how we can help him out.

Currently, I'm working on a few projects for Kyle. If you have any ideas, please let me know. I'll be picking him up this month, near the end of the month. So, you'll be meeting him very soon! As we grow, I look forward to working with more students like Kyle who will come to our church to get their feet wet and learn more about how to minister to God's people. Believe it or not, you all have taught me more about a healthy church than I ever learned in my education. I believe Kyle will benefit greatly from knowing you!

