Friday, June 20, 2008


Hey gang,

I have a couple of items to update you on. First of all, Nathan began having some health problems earlier this week in the location of his appendectomy. He's been on pain medication and antibiotics, but they haven't been able to help. The last few days he's run fevers of 103 degrees. Today he called and told me he is being admitted back to the hospital for tests and a possible surgery to remove the abscess. Remember to pray for him this weekend!

Since my family is leaving tomorrow for vacation, Nathan was scheduled to preach this Sunday. He, obviously, won't be available this weekend--but hopefully he'll be available for next weekend. Fortunately, we are blessed with several people who are well-trained and experienced preachers who could easily fill in at a moment's notice. So I wasn't worried about whether we'd have a preacher for this Sunday.

Again, there were several people who could have delivered a great message, but since our intern, Kyle Stock is here doing his internship with us in preaching, it seemed fairly natural to ask him to fill in this Sunday. He is scheduled for a few weeks in July, also.

I hope everyone has a great experience this Sunday and next week. As it turns out, we may be getting in earlier than expected next weekend and may be available to worship with our favorite church (Castle, of course!), even though I won't be preaching that Sunday!

Take care!
