Monday, June 23, 2008


To the Castle Christian Family,

It has been brought to my attention that Lindsey is going to need help with gasoline costs while Nathan is in the hospital. If anyone has Kroger cards they have not yet given out, please consider giving it to Lindsey. Our benevolence funds may be needed to help with medical bills later.

Also, Betsy Hightower is lining up meals for them. If you want to help, you might let her know. Emily is also organizing the teens to get Nathan's yard work done. Again, let her know if you can offer any assistance with this.

I'm still trying to reach Lindsey to see what we can do to help them through this. If any of you have talked to Lindsey and know of any need they have, please let the rest of us know. OF COURSE, DON'T FORGET TO PRAY FOR THEM.

Nathan is at Northside Hospital Forsyth in room 404, but I don't know that he's up for visitors yet. I'm sure a card would be appreciated though.

Love to everyone,
