Tuesday, December 5, 2017

From Pioneer Bible Translators: Jay and Diane Beeman

Jay & Diane Beeman

Thanksgiving Having just wrapped up the Thanksgiving holiday we are reflecting on the many things for which we praise God.

  • Our family was able to come together Thanksgiving week and spend some time fellowshipping, taking family photos and catching up. We are thankful that our daughter and son-in-law could come home from their field of service for a couple of months. We are thankful that our son and daughter-in-law were able to host our time together in Joplin and Branson, MO.
  • God is continuing to bless our time in Dallas. Our classes with Johnson University are finishing up this week and on Friday the 8th we make our final presentation to PBT, where we lay out our future ministry plans.
  • Many of you showered us with loving support at the passing of Diane’s mother on November 7th. To all who attended her funeral, sent cards, letters and emails, fixed meals, and contributed to her memorial we are deeply grateful.

Here’s what our remaining days in the States look like
  • Tuesday, December 12 – Leave Dallas (Packing our car with all the warm weather we can)
  • Wednesday, December 13 – Arrive in Springfield, IL. We will be spending the next three weeks packing, buying last-minute supplies, spending time with family, and saying good-byes.
  • Tuesday, January 9 – Depart Chicago O’Hare Airport for Tanzania

We appreciate your prayers as we prepare and count down the days until we leave for Africa. "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you." Philippians 1:3

For those of you who collected the desiccant packets (silica gel) and you need to mail them to us, please forward them to our Springfield, IL address. Thanks a bunch.

Jay & Diane Beeman
PO Box 7531
Springfield, IL 62791-7531

Any correspondence should be sent to the address above from now through January 2018.