Saturday, February 21, 2015

Church notices

  FEBRUARY COLLECTIONS will be liquid laundry detergent for the foster homes here in Forsyth County. Bring what you can each week.

CROSSWALK will be part of our Easter observance again this year. We will meet at the church on April 3, 2015 at 4:00 pm.  Hope to see you there.

LEADERSHIP MEETINGS are being planned for each month. If there is anything you would like brought before this panel, please let them know. Their next meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2015.

 WEEKLY CHURCH NEED - Each week there is much to do in preparation of our worship together. This work is falling onto the shoulders of the praise team and a few others who are dedicated to this service. If you can please come at 9:00 am once or twice a month to help with this need it will be appreciated.  Song books have to be prepared, communion trays arranged, coffee made and sometimes heavy cleaning. By sharing this responsibility precious time will be freed up for the praise team and allow them time to practice.