Hey Castlers!
Tomorrow is going to be our LAST SUNDAY in James. And it's going to be a good one.
In the passage tomorrow, James tells us to pray. And he appears to make some big promises about what happens when we pray.
I'll be honest, this is difficult for me. I struggle to understand what James means and why it has never worked this way in my own life. And I have to assume that James means something different than we think he means.
That's why I'm calling this message "The Problem of Prayer" from James 5:13-20. I think it's going to be an interesting Sunday!
ONE MORE THING! I am considering making a change to our plans to do 1 John next. I am considering doing either a survey of the Old Testament prophets, or a survey of the entire Old Testament. I'll be asking everyone for their thoughts tomorrow, so please be thinking about this choice!