I've heard some great things about this last Sunday! I haven't heard Tecia's message, yet, but hope to soon. I want to thank her for her message and am grateful so many of our number could be there to hear her speak! As I understand, Debbie Whigham got the message on her tablet. As soon as I can, I will get that file from her for our podcast.
This Sunday, we're going to be studying James 1:13-18. In this wonderful passage, James continues talking about the trials we experience. But in these important verses, James is very careful to be clear about the source of these trials. The questions James answers are:
- How are trials and temptations similar?
- Where do our trials come from?
- Is it right to say that "God did this to me" when bad things happen to us?
- What kinds of things DO come from God?
Now, for the James challenge! Vangie and I have been very blessed to keep reading through James once a week. James always gets to me even if I've read it several times recently. This week, I am including links to read James in the English Standard Version (ESV). Of course, if you'd rather continue to use your own translation, feel free!
READ James (ESV)
James 1, James 2, James 3, James 4, James 5
LISTEN to James (ESV)
James 1, James 2, James 3, James 4, James 5