Saturday, November 24, 2012

Challenge for Castle for tomorrow

As many of you already know, Cathy Schmidle is being led into the mission field. She will be joining a group from Sugar Hill Church that will be going to orphanages in and around Port au Prince in Haiti. She asks for prayer for the mission as they will be delivering food and clothing to those in need there. Financial backing is also a consideration for this trip and if you would personally like to contribute to her journey, you may do so by giving a check made out to Sugar Hill Church and including the following, “Haiti – Cathy S.” or you may go online to the following website: Click on the $ sign, then select the guest option and record your gift under “other” with the same note, “Haiti -Cathy S.” 

The challenge for us is that whatever we raise in a special offering tomorrow morning, the church will match for Cathy's trip. If you have already contributed, please let the church leadership know so we can include that amount in our matching funds. Thanks, all.