Monday, September 21, 2009

Thanks to Everyone

Many thanks to so many of our church number who have endeavored to reach out to me and my family in our recent personal crisis. We have definitely felt loved and cared for by so many. Thank you for withholding judgment and loving all of us regardless. You all are truly the body of Christ in our community.

This has been, personally, the most terrible and testing experience of my life, and I must assume that my children are suffering the most. This has been awful, there is no other way to say it.

The events of today (Monday) have brought with them further difficulties. Because of my own emotional and even physical state this week, I have asked Kevin Slatton to preach for us this Sunday. He has agreed to do so. He always does a great job and I believe he will lift us up this Sunday.

I beg your continued prayers and support as we endure this set of circumstances. I pray for grace and forgiveness for me and Stacie as we work out the details of our issues and make the most difficult decisions.

We will keep you updated. Thank you.

In Christ,