Hey everyone, just a couple of quick updates on what happened today at CCC, for anyone who could not be there...
This Sunday we took a break from Matthew to concentrate on our church in a message entitled "State of the Church Sunday." We focused on what the church is supposed to be and why we do what we do. We also heard from our Shepherds, Ben Abernathy and Omer Umberger, on the immediate financial challenges before our church. The message closed with a challenge for us to continue working on being more Christ-like and to reaffirm our commitment to BEING this radical kingdom community.
The message from today is available to listen on our podcast on directly from our website.
Unfortunately, Ben and Omer's section of the message could not be recorded. But if you were unable to make it on Sunday, we'd like you to know what they talked about. Please contact Jason, Ben, or Omer via phone or email for more info!
Let's all commit to continue to pray for and support our church and look forward to all the great things that God is going to do through Castle Christian Church! Thanks!