Hey Castlers, this is a NEW emailed post to forward to friends. BY THE WAY, even if you're NOT planning on participating, you can still help us raise funds! ALSO, sending this out more than once may remind some to donate! (just erase this line before you forward)
There are only a few SHORT WEEKS before EASTER!
You've probably already heard about our Good Friday Cross Walk event. In fact, some of you have already donated. If you have, THANK YOU!
I want to share some more details with the rest of you that might help you:
Of course, our desire with this event is to help families who have lost their homes due to the difficult economy. We want to reach out, to share God’s love with hurting people. So, on Good Friday, we’re going to humble ourselves and carry a cross to help hurting families to bear their burden with them, to share the love of Jesus for them.
Home-Aid is an organization devoted to providing safe temporary housing for newly displaced families until they can get on their feet. Our Cross Walk is designed to raise funds (from corporate and individual sponsors) to give to Home-Aid’s effort and to raise awareness for the need for a chapter in Forsyth County.
Ar 4:30 in the afternoon on Good Friday, we’ll start at the Fairgrounds in downtown Cumming, taking turns carrying our cross for 3.5 miles. At the end of our walk, we’ll stop to worship and remember Jesus’ beautiful and excruciating sacrifice...but we’ll also look forward to celebrating his resurrection—that singular victorious Easter event which provides our ultimate hope from the struggles of this life!
What I’m hoping is that YOU will sponsor ME in this cross walk and help people who are being displaced in this difficult time. Simply click this link to DONATE online. When you have the opportunity to dedicate your gift, simply type in the words “cross walk” and enter my name.
You can ALSO support us by check. Simply mail your donation to Castle Christian Church, P.O. Box 925, Cumming, GA, 30028. Please note that it is for the Cross Walk and the name of the person you are sponsoring.
Also, I'd like to invite you to come to church with us on Easter Sunday! Go to
http://www.castlechristian.com for details on our services.